Guest author Kabyk brings us a piece exploring the cadence of Gwent’s 3-round system over the course of the Beta.
Compared to some other popular CCG’s, Gwent uses a unique 3-Round format. Gwent is also limited, by default, to 14 turns of card plays (13 cards in hand plus Leader). When we play a Round of Gwent, we have to decide not only how many of our points we want to dedicate to a particular Round, but also how many turns we invest in each – for example, “do I play my big point cards for an early lead and risk having something ‘bricked’ on Round 3?” This means CDPR must consider balance not only for individual cards, but their implication in how they affect Round Equilibrium, and what kind of card usage distribution they want. Are they okay with long Round 1’s every match? Would they prefer people to pass quickly and have long Round 3’s instead? What should Round 2’s main purpose be? How does the power scale of cards affect Round 1’s importance and, subsequently, the ease of abandoning it?